Random Day (Month?) 12

Good day, everyone. Haven’t had a Random Day since last year, so let’s try one today.

First thing I’ve got here is a recent acquisition, actually. These are from What Humming-Fish Wish, a book starring the Lorax of all things that released earlier this year.

As usual, click on images for the full size pic.

Next up, I got some pretty neat shots from The Muppet Show: On Tour, which was a stage show that ran in 1984. One segment involved Miss Piggy all dressed up as a mermaid, and Fozzie Bear (wokka wokka) had something appropriate for the occasion.

For our third and final set this time, let’s check out Between the Lions. This was an extremely popular show made by the PBS station in Boston, WGBH, and Sirius Thinking Ltd, that focused on vocabulary and reading skills. It starred a family of library dwelling lions, which included father Theo, mother Cleo, son Lionel, and daughter Leona.

Anyway, in the Popcorn Popper, the cubs end up reading a book about a girl who ends up with a magic popcorn popper that puts out endless popcorn. After they’re done, they get Click the Mouse’s (their friend who can basically make things in books show in the the real world) help to get their own magic popper. Of course, it goes out of control, and the resulting popcorn threatens to drown the library. Lionel is forced to submerge in said popcorn to retrieve the instructions to stop the thing.

And that’s all for this month! I know these last couple of entries have been pretty short, it’s a combination of life getting in the way a bit, and trying to stretch out the collection a bit for the blog. After over five years, interesting pieces are getting a bit more sparse and it’s harder sometimes to keep things interesting.

Thanks for reading!