The Warner Cast

Welcome back, everyone, and happy June!

Today, we’re looking at Warner Brothers characters. Specifically, we’re looking at some of the ones we haven’t actually looked at yet.

First, we’ll check out Pepé Le Pew. I’m pretty sure most of you know who he is, but for those of you who don’t, he’s a super horny skunk whose endless pursuit of romantic love and affection never goes the way he plans. This is generally because of his natural musk as well as his ‘no means yes’ mentality.

The main set I have with him is from 1957’s ‘Touché and Go’, wherein he tries once again to get with his primary target of affection, Penelope Cat. Towards the end of the cartoon, Penelope tries to scuba away from him.

Of course, our amorous skunk isn’t far behind, even ditching the need for a scuba tank, because, in his words, ‘When you’re a skunk, you learn to hold your breath for a long time’. So he quickly catches up to her…

And then, surprise, a shark catches up to both of them. Once Pepe deals with it, he comes back to find his quarry gone.

And thus ends this set. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the video right now where these shots came from.

I also have these pics of a teapot, wherein he’s just as creepy…

Next up, let’s take a look at Porky Pig, starting with some comics. I have no information about where they came from. If you have any info, please let me know.

The second set is from 2022’s ‘Practical Jerk!’, wherein Daffy basically messes with Porky with practical jokes.

Finally, let’s take a look at Pinky and the Brain. This set is from ‘Mouse Congeniality’, from the Animaniacs reboot’s second season. In it, Pinky enters a beauty contest in a Trump Tower parody so Brain can sneak into a world leaders summit upstairs.

In order to facilitate this, he ends up accessing some pipes through the ceiling.

He enters the pipes, but once he’s in there, he has a bit of a problem.

He struggles with the ‘door’ leading into the room he wants, and just before he drowns, it pops open.

Considering the wide berth of his plans, it’s shocking that this is first non-helmet scuba experience (that I know of)

And there we have it, folks! Until next time!

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