Donald Duck Swims In

Happy June, everyone!

It’s been years since Donald has had a post all to himself (just as he likes it), so let’s remedy that this time.

Let’s start a comic strip. This one is from 1961.

Come on, Donald, don’t let the man tell you how to fish.

Here, we have a glass from Kirin Lemon, a Japanese fizzy lemon drink.

Hope sharky isn’t hungry… or thirsty.

This is from a 2020 Norwegian Comic.

So now he just has to figure out which one to take a picture of.

This one is from 1982’s Wonderful World of Knowledge: Birds, Fish, and Insects.

“So I look like a fish, do I?!”

Here’s the cover to Disney’s 1999 Year Book, guest starring Daisy Duck!

I won’t ask how the liquid is staying in those flasks and test tubes. Maybe Donald’s on to something there…

Finally, from a Greek comic, we have Donald in a classic spot…

One of these days, Donald will learn to leak check his masks… maybe.

That’s all from me this month, everyone! Take care, and see you next time!