Three Chicks, a Fox, and a Sunken Ship

Time for the final set of Eena Meena and Deeka pics.

This is from Sunken Ship.  OK, so Bhukkad was trying to chase down the chicks on a ship they were piloting, short story short, the ship sank.  The chicks are trying to raise it again, but of course our foxy friends is trying to take advantage of their distraction…

Yes, he captured an electric eel in a clam, shot it at the boat trying to help raise the chicks’ ship, and cause it to fail.  Yep, totally makes sense.

I’m actually going to just post of the rest of these without any commentary.  Honestly… what can I say?  This was just weird.

Seriously, what the hell?

If you wanna trying to make sense of this, just watch the episode.  Don’t worry about any language barrier, it’s got no dialogue anyway.

So that’s all I have from this show for now.  Not sure why I decided to post these now.  Just felt like it I suppose.

Till next time!


A Fox, Three Chicks… and a Land Shark?!

Welcome back, folks.  I’ve gotten back from my vacation, and now I have something new for you today.

Today, I’ll be showing some stuff I’ve gotten from the India-based cartoon Eena Meeka Deeka.  The general idea is that the fox Bhukkad is always after the titular chicks, Eena, Meeka, and Deeka, for supper.  Simple, right?

Well, it’s a kids cartoon, so it never works out that way, of course.

I’ll be showing what I have over the next couple of days.  First, I’ll be showing shots from the episode “Under Sea”.

As you can see, purple is totally Bhukkad’s color.

Oh, look, the fish already don’t like him.  Surprise.

Well, there’s one way of catching one’s prey…

… or not.

Jumping ahead a bit, Bhukkad makes friends with more of the local wildlife…

He’s seen enough Japanese tentacle porn to know how ends.

He finally catches up with the chicks again.

Oh yes, did I mention that one of the chicks has the ability to ‘hulk up’ and turn into that?  Yep.

With that, we come to the end of this set.  This next one from ‘Shark Attack’ doesn’t have any of the main characters as the ‘subject’ here.  See for yourself…

Eena Meena Deeka00094

Yes, folks, that is a shark in a reverse scuba setup… over a regular diving mask.

It’s best if we just don’t think too much about how stupid this is and just carry on.

So our heroes damage this scientist shark (because those exist, apparently) amidst their usual hijinks, and incur his wrath.

His controlling water and electricity wrath.  Oh deary me.

Also, someone’s not in a sharing mood.

Wow, that must be the fastest acting freezer ever…

Time for round 2…

And one more time, because this shark CLEARLY loved his laboratory.  Also, he’s surely gotta change the water in that tank soon…

Well, this shark is completely screwed; once that water he’s breathing through becomes too stale and de-oxygenated to breathe with, that cement will ensure he’ll suffocate very quickly.  Hope he’s got some helping fins handy…

Come back tomorrow, where I’ll show pics from one more episode!  Until then!