Oggy and the Cockroaches, Part 2

Welcome back, everyone! I decided to post the rest of the Oggy pics I have in my collection today. I explained the background of the show last week, so let’s jump right in.

We’ll start with Season 2’s ‘The Pied Bagpiper’. Relatively small set here.

That must’ve been one deep pool…

Next up is Season 4’s ‘Oggy and the Mermaid’, and it’s a pretty big set…

And so it begins…

A camera safari, huh?

Well that’s a problem, isn’t it?

This is one determined cat…

Fighting with a broken mask… gotta love it.

Wait, he managed to delete every single photo that easily? Wow, that’s… poorly designed.

OK, finally, we have Season 7’s ‘The Intruder From Space’.

First time in a while we’ve seen the ‘SCUBA gear are space suits’ trope, I think.

Anyway, that’s all I have from Oggy and the Cockroaches. Hope you all enjoyed this trip over the last while, and I hope to see you all next time! Until then.

Oggy and the Cockroaches, Part 1

Welcome back, folks! I hope everyone is well. Today, we’re going to take a look at Oggy and the Cockroaches.

This cartoon has been going off and on for the past 20 years, starting in 1998. With no dialogue, it’s been aired in much of the world, through two production companies over its lifetime.

The TL:DR of the show is that Oggy, the title character, is constantly having his life screwed with by three cockroaches named Joey, Marky, and Dee Dee, who are all incidentally named after members of the Ramones. The bulk of each episode is basically Oggy dealing with the little bastards so he can actually get something done, even if it’s just relaxing.

Also of note is Jack, Oggy’s cousin, who is ill-tempered, arrogant, and easy to piss off. In other words, an ideal target for the roaches.

Also, the show’s intro is a total ear-worm; you’ll never un-hear it.

Just two sets today, as the second one is pretty massive.

OK, first set today is from Season 2’s ‘Golf Curse’.

The owners might wanna check their water traps…

The second set comes from season 3’s ‘SCUBA Diving’. Catchy.

Clearly Jack is the more talented of the two here…

…but clearly the least lucky.

Clearly, it just wanted a hug.

And enter the cockroaches.

Why, no, we can’t have one of these large sets without angering the wildlife.

And cue the chase sequence!

And thus ends the set on something of a down note for the boys. I hope you all enjoyed this, and there will be a part 2 in the future!

A Fox, Three Chicks… and a Land Shark?!

Welcome back, folks.  I’ve gotten back from my vacation, and now I have something new for you today.

Today, I’ll be showing some stuff I’ve gotten from the India-based cartoon Eena Meeka Deeka.  The general idea is that the fox Bhukkad is always after the titular chicks, Eena, Meeka, and Deeka, for supper.  Simple, right?

Well, it’s a kids cartoon, so it never works out that way, of course.

I’ll be showing what I have over the next couple of days.  First, I’ll be showing shots from the episode “Under Sea”.

As you can see, purple is totally Bhukkad’s color.

Oh, look, the fish already don’t like him.  Surprise.

Well, there’s one way of catching one’s prey…

… or not.

Jumping ahead a bit, Bhukkad makes friends with more of the local wildlife…

He’s seen enough Japanese tentacle porn to know how ends.

He finally catches up with the chicks again.

Oh yes, did I mention that one of the chicks has the ability to ‘hulk up’ and turn into that?  Yep.

With that, we come to the end of this set.  This next one from ‘Shark Attack’ doesn’t have any of the main characters as the ‘subject’ here.  See for yourself…

Eena Meena Deeka00094

Yes, folks, that is a shark in a reverse scuba setup… over a regular diving mask.

It’s best if we just don’t think too much about how stupid this is and just carry on.

So our heroes damage this scientist shark (because those exist, apparently) amidst their usual hijinks, and incur his wrath.

His controlling water and electricity wrath.  Oh deary me.

Also, someone’s not in a sharing mood.

Wow, that must be the fastest acting freezer ever…

Time for round 2…

And one more time, because this shark CLEARLY loved his laboratory.  Also, he’s surely gotta change the water in that tank soon…

Well, this shark is completely screwed; once that water he’s breathing through becomes too stale and de-oxygenated to breathe with, that cement will ensure he’ll suffocate very quickly.  Hope he’s got some helping fins handy…

Come back tomorrow, where I’ll show pics from one more episode!  Until then!


Ollie’s Undersea Hijinks Part 2

And we’re back for part 2 of Ollie’s undersea education in pain.

So last we left off, Ollie had just caught a rather large fish in his net, and now cue the chase scene!

He just… pulled a slab off of himself. We usually wait until they’re dead before sectioning off the cow, Ollie.

Wow, he’s actually got the courage to fight back a bit.

Well, this is one way to escape.

Oh, look, the hippo’s back, and now Ollie’s a dentist. Hope he gave that hippo a hefty bill.

Jumping ahead a bit here, Ollie now meets one of the local octopi. He actually does get the better of this encounter though.

Treasure time! Also, king of the jellyfish. And dog skeletons. Ollie clearly forgot his holy water and crucifix.

Oh, look, shells! And guarding them is… some walrus kid.

And cue another chase scene! The kid is clearly more than a match for the cow here…

However, Ollie doesn’t forgive slights easily, and he catches the kid napping. We don’t generally approve of watching children while they sleep, Ollie, parents notwithstanding.

Speaking of parents… OH MY GOD! Tuck your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye, Ollie.

Apparently, he survived that encounter, and is back for one last bit. What finally sends him packing? Shark with a taste for moo-cow? Clams with teeth? A walrus that looks like he’d swallow him whole? Nope, electric eels!

This wasn’t quite the last of Ollie aquatic experience, though; he had a shorter bit.

Clam beds, that you lie in. Shocking that this isn’t an actual trend, somehow.

Tooth brushing with crocs. Always a safe activity. Also, yes, his snorkel is in his nose.

Here’s one way to deal with a big fish if they, you know, happened to have perfectly placed holes in their face.

Finally, to end off, Ollie gets to meet some whales.

So that’s all from this series that I know of that fits into this blog. He does do some more stuff involving helmets, improvised subs, and so on, but that falls outside of this blog’s scope. For the stuff above, look up “Undersea Ollie” and “Boes – Onderwater”

Fall Week continues tomorrow!

Random Day!

Hi, everyone. No, I haven’t lost interest in maintaining this blog already, I just haven’t been able to fully decide what I want to showcase next.

So to fix that, I’m going to just show off some random-ish pieces today. No real theming here, just tossing some stuff out there.

First, we have A Miss Mallard Mystery, which is a 2000 cartoon that was somewhat loosely based on Robert Quackenbush’s series, The Miss Mallard Mysteries, which stars the titular character, well, solving mysteries, along with her nephew Willard.

These are shots from an episode called ‘Evil Under the Sea’.

OK, I know it’s stating the obvious, but sharks will be prominent in this blog. (As usual, click for bigger pictures)

(Edit (Feb. 3rd, 2022): Added 1080p versions)

The good news is that, so far in this blog, they’re 0-4.

Pretty pedestrian stuff after that. There’s more underwater action after this, but it’s outside the purpose of this blog. Feel free to look the episode up, though.

Next up is something I’m sure some of you are familiar with; Neopets! I played this for a short while a VERY long time ago. Didn’t really get into it, but many, many people have. Considering that they’ve been around since 1999, there isn’t a lot of pics from them in the collection, but there are some:

That’s all I’ve been able to find of Neopets, in it’s entirety.  Oh well.  Some of it IS cool looking, though.

OK, one more for today.  This one is actually a 1999 German children’s diving manual called “Robbi geht Tauchen”, or Robbi goes Diving.  I actually was able to get a physical copy of the book with the help of a friend several years back.  For a children’s book, it’s quite detailed, going into specifics of the types of equipment used, pressure, and equalization, amongst other things.

The basic story going here is that Robbi, an otter of all things, gets interested in this whole diving thing, and whilst swimming about, he meets and befriends Krakeelchen, an octopus that apparently is a divemaster…?

No, I don’t know how or why an octopus would be a divemaster.

Anyway, the rest of the book is spent with Krakeelchen teaching Robbi the ins and outs of diving, including SCUBA, because he’s cool like that.

Here are nine pages from the book.

As you can see, it’s actually a pretty fun book, with tons of details.

Oh, and please don’t ask me for translations.  My German is virtually non-existent.  Make use of Google Translate if you’re curious.

So there you go, folks.  I’ll probably post one more of these before the end of the week, and on Friday, I’ll start my first themed week!  Stay tuned…