Random Day!

Hi, everyone. No, I haven’t lost interest in maintaining this blog already, I just haven’t been able to fully decide what I want to showcase next.

So to fix that, I’m going to just show off some random-ish pieces today. No real theming here, just tossing some stuff out there.

First, we have A Miss Mallard Mystery, which is a 2000 cartoon that was somewhat loosely based on Robert Quackenbush’s series, The Miss Mallard Mysteries, which stars the titular character, well, solving mysteries, along with her nephew Willard.

These are shots from an episode called ‘Evil Under the Sea’.

OK, I know it’s stating the obvious, but sharks will be prominent in this blog. (As usual, click for bigger pictures)

(Edit (Feb. 3rd, 2022): Added 1080p versions)

The good news is that, so far in this blog, they’re 0-4.

Pretty pedestrian stuff after that. There’s more underwater action after this, but it’s outside the purpose of this blog. Feel free to look the episode up, though.

Next up is something I’m sure some of you are familiar with; Neopets! I played this for a short while a VERY long time ago. Didn’t really get into it, but many, many people have. Considering that they’ve been around since 1999, there isn’t a lot of pics from them in the collection, but there are some:

That’s all I’ve been able to find of Neopets, in it’s entirety.  Oh well.  Some of it IS cool looking, though.

OK, one more for today.  This one is actually a 1999 German children’s diving manual called “Robbi geht Tauchen”, or Robbi goes Diving.  I actually was able to get a physical copy of the book with the help of a friend several years back.  For a children’s book, it’s quite detailed, going into specifics of the types of equipment used, pressure, and equalization, amongst other things.

The basic story going here is that Robbi, an otter of all things, gets interested in this whole diving thing, and whilst swimming about, he meets and befriends Krakeelchen, an octopus that apparently is a divemaster…?

No, I don’t know how or why an octopus would be a divemaster.

Anyway, the rest of the book is spent with Krakeelchen teaching Robbi the ins and outs of diving, including SCUBA, because he’s cool like that.

Here are nine pages from the book.

As you can see, it’s actually a pretty fun book, with tons of details.

Oh, and please don’t ask me for translations.  My German is virtually non-existent.  Make use of Google Translate if you’re curious.

So there you go, folks.  I’ll probably post one more of these before the end of the week, and on Friday, I’ll start my first themed week!  Stay tuned…