Happy Halloween!

Scary greetings, everyone.

Today, I’m going to present a few pics of the… spookier variety.  Just a couple of sets today.

This first set is from a show called ‘Dingbat and the Creeps’, from the episode ‘Nautical Noodniks’.  This followed a trio of… interesting folks.  Dingbat, the vampire-y dog, the skeletal Sparerib, who was… unusually fat for a skeleton and could also turn himself into useful things, and the bottomless put of a jack-o-lantern, Nobody, who served as the leader and got work for the team.

Second, we have Fangface, another cartoon about detective chasing teenagers whom one of them, the skinny afro-wearing kid Fangs, turns into the werewolf Fangface.  Unfortunately, not sure which episode this is.

(October 31st 2022: Episode name is ‘A Creep From the Deep’, and added somewhat better quality pics.)

These guys sure like their full face masks, eh?

That’s all for today, everyone.  Have a great Halloween, and see you next time!

Three Chicks, a Fox, and a Sunken Ship

Time for the final set of Eena Meena and Deeka pics.

This is from Sunken Ship.  OK, so Bhukkad was trying to chase down the chicks on a ship they were piloting, short story short, the ship sank.  The chicks are trying to raise it again, but of course our foxy friends is trying to take advantage of their distraction…

Yes, he captured an electric eel in a clam, shot it at the boat trying to help raise the chicks’ ship, and cause it to fail.  Yep, totally makes sense.

I’m actually going to just post of the rest of these without any commentary.  Honestly… what can I say?  This was just weird.

Seriously, what the hell?

If you wanna trying to make sense of this, just watch the episode.  Don’t worry about any language barrier, it’s got no dialogue anyway.

So that’s all I have from this show for now.  Not sure why I decided to post these now.  Just felt like it I suppose.

Till next time!


A Fox, Three Chicks… and a Land Shark?!

Welcome back, folks.  I’ve gotten back from my vacation, and now I have something new for you today.

Today, I’ll be showing some stuff I’ve gotten from the India-based cartoon Eena Meeka Deeka.  The general idea is that the fox Bhukkad is always after the titular chicks, Eena, Meeka, and Deeka, for supper.  Simple, right?

Well, it’s a kids cartoon, so it never works out that way, of course.

I’ll be showing what I have over the next couple of days.  First, I’ll be showing shots from the episode “Under Sea”.

As you can see, purple is totally Bhukkad’s color.

Oh, look, the fish already don’t like him.  Surprise.

Well, there’s one way of catching one’s prey…

… or not.

Jumping ahead a bit, Bhukkad makes friends with more of the local wildlife…

He’s seen enough Japanese tentacle porn to know how ends.

He finally catches up with the chicks again.

Oh yes, did I mention that one of the chicks has the ability to ‘hulk up’ and turn into that?  Yep.

With that, we come to the end of this set.  This next one from ‘Shark Attack’ doesn’t have any of the main characters as the ‘subject’ here.  See for yourself…

Eena Meena Deeka00094

Yes, folks, that is a shark in a reverse scuba setup… over a regular diving mask.

It’s best if we just don’t think too much about how stupid this is and just carry on.

So our heroes damage this scientist shark (because those exist, apparently) amidst their usual hijinks, and incur his wrath.

His controlling water and electricity wrath.  Oh deary me.

Also, someone’s not in a sharing mood.

Wow, that must be the fastest acting freezer ever…

Time for round 2…

And one more time, because this shark CLEARLY loved his laboratory.  Also, he’s surely gotta change the water in that tank soon…

Well, this shark is completely screwed; once that water he’s breathing through becomes too stale and de-oxygenated to breathe with, that cement will ensure he’ll suffocate very quickly.  Hope he’s got some helping fins handy…

Come back tomorrow, where I’ll show pics from one more episode!  Until then!


The Happiest Place on Earth

Hello, folks.  Welcome back!

Tomorrow, I’m heading down to Walt Disney World for six nights, so today, I thought it’d be appropriate to show off some pics in my collection from the Disney parks and related properties.

I won’t be highlighting Donald’s costumes here, as I showed that previously.  You can see those here.

IMPORTANT: Please note that none of the photographs here are mine.  They were taken from various places over the years on the net.  If you are the original photographer and you want your photo taken down, or for you to be given credit for it, please message me.  Thank you.

Starting off, we may as well focus on the mouse himself.  Mickey actually has a WORKING SCUBA set that he appears in once in a great while, usually at the aquarium at The Seas with Nemo and Friends in Walt Disney World’s Epcot.  This is actually one of the few working mascot SCUBA rigs in use in the world.

If you ever get to see this in person, you’re extremely fortunate indeed.  And no, I haven’t.

He did have one more that I know of, in one of the Disney On Ice productions, Finding Nemo On Ice.  Not exactly the parks, I know, but close enough.

Next up, we have a little bit of his dog, Pluto.  This mostly appears at Tokyo Disney Sea, I think.

Finally, we have Goofy.  Goofy actually has a number of different diving costumes, a lot more than the others for some reason.

This first one made appearances in Japan, but is no longer in use as far as I know.

This is the costume that is in use there now, I think, in meet and greets at Ariel’s Grotto.

This was in use at Walt Disney World in various places and productions.  I don’t think this one is in use anymore either, at least not with the mask.  The maskless version is used on the Disney Cruise Lines.

These were used in the same Finding Nemo On Ice production as the second Mickey set above.

Finally, two more.  These were used on a Disney Cruise Line stage show called The Golden Mickeys.

That’s all she wrote for now, folks.  I may not be posting anything until after my vacation ends next week, though you might see something on the weekend.

One More Trip on the Imagination Bus…

And here we are again.

Last time, I mentioned some ‘other dinosaurs’ in Barney.  Well, today, I’m going to let them see the light of day.  I’ll show them in order of their first appearances on the show, so we’ll start with the triceratops, Baby Bop.

Um… actually, there’s just a couple that I know of.  Here they are…

There’s more of her, but all the ones I have are of her in the same pose as the first piece there.

Alright, next, we have her brother, BJ, a protoceratops.  Of the three kids, he’s far and away the most athletically gifted, and aquatically inclined, if my collection is any indication.

He’s also quite possibly the most unfortunately named preschool character ever.  He’s apparently named after Sheryl Leach’s (Barney’s creator) father, but still…

Anyway, here we are.  Again, just miscellany here.

And finally, we have the walking hadrosaur flashlight, Riff.  No, really.  His gimmick is that he lights up on the green parts of his crest whenever he experiences any kind of intense emotion.

This is from the season 11 episode ‘Dream Big’.   Yes, I know the context is weird, but that’s clearly a mask and snorkel prop on him, so to me, this counts.

Yes, the mask is covered in foil.  Riff is clearly a conspiracy nut in training.

Well, that’s all I have for Barney, at least for the moment.  There’s actually supposed to be a revival of the show this year, but since it was initially announced, there has been little news, leading me to believe the comeback has been quietly killed.  We’ll see.

Thanks for tuning in, as always!

A Dinosaur From Your Imagination…

Welcome back, everyone.

For the next couple of days, I’m going to focus on Barney, whom you’re probably heard of.  I’m pretty sure no character has both been so loved and so hated at the same time.  If you were around during the early days of the internet, you almost certainly remember the death fics that Barney had written about him.  Thousands of them, I’m sure.

As for myself, I don’t feel anything visceral towards him, certainly not on that level.  I guess I’m largely indifferent, although I respect the franchise’s climb to success.

Actually, before Barney became PBSKids’ ratings messiah, he actually had a number of direct to video features entitled Barney and the Backyard Gang.  This first set is from ‘A Day at the Beach’.  Note Barney’s… rougher appearance.

Ah, the idea of being able to just sit on the bottom of the ocean comfortably with just a mask… yep, that’s imagination all right.

Anyway, in 1992, PBS picked up Barney and gave him his own show, Barney and Friends.  The rest, as they say, is pretty much history.

This next set is from the Season 5 episode ‘Books Are Fun!’.  This is what happens when you have access to public funding, folks.

This is from ‘At Home In the Park’ which aired in Season 8.

Here is a cover of Barney Magazine and the cover of ‘Barney Under the Sea’ for you to cast your peepers at…

Those are actually the only instances I have of the purple one himself ‘in suit’, which, considering the length of time the show has been in existence, is surprising to me.  There’s one more of one of the other characters, but that’s for tomorrow.

For now, check out a few book excerpts…

Next up, we have some clothing articles, and a towel…

And, finally, some miscellany.

“RagingOceans, these are all interesting, but weren’t there other dinosaurs on this show too?” I hear you ask.

Stay tuned.

The Rest of the Disney Afternoon

Alright, folks, as promised, it’s time for me to show off the rest of my collection from the Disney Afternoon block that ran from 1990 to 1997.

Jumping right in, we have Bonkers.  This was spun off of a Raw Toonage segment.  In this, Bonkers T. Bobcat becomes a toon cop alongside his human partner Lucky Piquel, and later, Miranda Wright (as in Miranda Rights, the right to silence those in police custody have).

In this episode, “Imagine That”, Bonkers and Lucky track down a toon pencil who’s been spreading graffiti.  In this scene, Bonkers and Lucky are made to lie in a toon grape field in SCUBA gear, as the ‘sour grapes’ mock them for their foolishness.

Next, we have the Gummi Bears episode, “Top Gum”.  Here, at the end of the episode, Cubbi is outlining his plans to take an undersea trip…

(EDIT: October 7th, 2019: Updated with higher quality pics)

Somehow, I doubt he’ll get far in THAT…

Next, I’ll talk about Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.  Sadly, there’s only this of either of the chipmunks themselves, a cut commercial bumper, that I’ve seen.

rescue rangers

This set is from “One-Upsman-Chip”, where Chip and Dale end up in a war of practical jokes against one another.  In this scene, Mepps and Mole steal a giant pearl.

(EDIT: Oct. 7th 2019: Updated with higher quality pics and the second set here)

And here, they’re trying to get it back after losing it the first time.  Don’t mind Dale, it’s… a long story.

Next up, we have the Darkwing Duck episode “Dirty Money”.  In this scene, DW is taking part in an agent’s test, I believe.

“Great, now I’ll have the taste of rubber duck ass for days.”

Next up, we have a number of sets from Timon and Pumbaa.

First, we have “One Tough Bug”.

“Roach Hotel”

“Nearly Departed”

“Palm Beached”

“Beetle Romania”

Next, we have Goof Troop.  This set is from “Goof Under My Roof”, wherein it appears Pete owns half of Goofy’s property, and uses that ‘fact’ to make Goofy his bitch for much of the episode, including being his (inept) pool boy.

Also, a couple of pages out of a book…

Finally, to end off this very long post, we have a few from Gargoyles.  You know, I still have people not believe me when I say this was a Disney cartoon.

Anyway, this is from “Monsters”.

(Edit (Nov. 14th, 2020): Added more and higher quality pics here)

Whew, I think that’s all I have from Disney Afternoon.  Had even more than I remember, which surprises me.

Thanks a lot, folks, and I’ll see you next time!  When that’ll be, I’m not sure yet.  But I’ll be back soon.

Ducktales, Woo-oo!

Well, folks, the new Ducktales cartoon’s first season is in full swing, and largely to positive reviews.

Before you ask, as of this posting, no, there’s nothing to add to the collection from that… yet.  Hopefully that’ll change soon.

However, in the meantime, why don’t we take a look at it’s predecessor?  Hell, maybe we’ll even look at the rest of its Disney Afternoon co-stars too.

Ducktales definitely had it’s share of underwater adventures.  Today, we’ll look at the SCUBA examples of that.

Firstly, these two sets are from “Much Ado About Scrooge”.  The first part is Scrooge after super door to door salesman Filler Brushbill gets done with selling him a bunch of random crap he doesn’t need.  The final bill: $444,444.04.  And a pair of four dollar glow in the dark socks.

Second set here is said super duper salesman sneaking aboard Scrooge’s boat as he seeks out a lost play, and putting to shore as they arrive.

That ‘stashe is totally fake.  Has to be.

This is a single shot from “The Bride Wore Stripes”, where Ma Beagle tries to catch Scrooge in a marriage scheme to take his money in the event of his death (or 1/2 in a divorce).  This was so quick and brief that I just got the one pic.

Ducktales - Bride1

Pretty sure this is Burger.  Can’t believe they turned him into a total stick figure in the present cartoon.

Here, we have a postman delivering a party invitation to the Creature From the Blue Lagoon in “The Ducky Horror Picture Show”.

That’s just dedication to your job there.

Next, we have Fenton Crackshell counting all of Scrooge’s money that he dumped into the lake in “Liquid Assets Part 1”.  Also included is a show commercial bumper of him.

Whew, and we’ve hardly even looked at the main ducks yet!

From “Merit Time Adventure”, the crew looks into sinkings of transport ships from a sea monster’s rampage.  At one point, Scrooge gets kidnapped, and escapes via SCUBA, and deal with the ‘sea monster’ the same way.

Next, we have “Wrongway In Rongway”, which was the five part series premiere.  Here, Scrooge is testing out some underwater dredging gear, and then escaping some quicksand.

Don’t ask how Scrooge slipped on that SCUBA gear while completely submerged in quicksand.  Cartoon magic, people.  It explains everything.

Next, we have “Bermuda Triangle Tangle”, where the ducks get trapped on an island made out of seaweed that is inhabited by a giant sea monster.  In this scene, they’re trying to cut the seaweed off of a ship’s propeller to try to make their escape.

Finally, for the last of the cartoon, here’s “Duckman of Aquatraz”, where Scrooge gets framed for a robbery he didn’t commit and gets sent to Aquatraz, the Alcatraz equivalent for Duckberg.  In this scene, the nephews are recovering a painting that can prove their uncle’s innocence.

To end off today, we also have some miscellany from the show.  I’ll just mash these up into one group.  A fair number of comic pages here.

Come back tomorrow, where we’ll take a look at the rest of it’s Disney Afternoon compatriots!

Ranger Rick, Part 2

Welcome back, folks.  Let’s continue from where we left of yesterday…

In June and July of 2008, while on a kayaking trip, Boomer actually had to take a couple of snorkeling expeditions…

Who would’ve thought Boomer thought to bring a knife with him?  Perhaps he was aiming to fillet those fish right there in the kayak?

Next up, we have Boomer at it again, this time, giving himself a mild case of the bends…

So Boomer’s never heard of the Bends?  Someone needs to fire his SCUBA instructor… preferably out of a torpedo hatch.

In this March and April 2005 two parter, the trio goes on another dive and, naturally, get into difficulties…

I have to wonder why Boomer’s the only one in swim trunks here…

OK, so this is the last bit.  This is from August and September 2015, and you’ll notice that the crew looks a bit… different here.

In 2009, the magazines editors decided it was time to make the move to CGI artwork for the Ranger Rick stories, and hired The CharacterShop (yes, apparently, this is how they write their name), a production house in England.  In my opinion, this was a step back.  The characters looked ugly, and the scenes looked pretty average.

In 2016, they redesigned the characters again, and again, I’m not really sold on it.  Plus, they got rid of Ollie Otter altogether and replaced him with some other otter named Reggie who looks like a total stoner. You can find more on the Ranger Rick website, if you wish.

Also, before I go, if you want a more rounded and complete history of the Ranger Rick series, please take a look at Classic Ranger Rick.  It hasn’t been updated in several years, but it’s still a fine place to go to read up on the subject.

(Edit (Nov. 14th, 2020): Sadly, Classic Ranger Rick appears to be no more. You can view an archived version of the page via the Wayback Machine here.)

(Edit (August 4th, 2021): Check that, it’s back again, with a bit of a redesign.)

So this is all I have from Ranger Rick.  There might be more out there to be found, but I haven’t encountered it yet.  If I do, I’ll provide an update.

I’ll post again soon.  Not sure what it’ll be yet, but I’ll try to make it exciting.  Until then!

Ranger Rick, Part 1

Well, it’s been requested, and this IS his 50th year of his magazine, so why not?

Most Americans have at least heard of his magazine, published since January 1967 by the American based National Wildlife Federation to promote it’s vision to the nation’s children.  Ranger Rick, for the past 50 years, has been promoting wildlife conservation and appreciation to it’s readers.

Rick himself is a park ranger hat wearing raccoon with a passion for wildlife and environmental issues and educating his fellows on said subjects.  Usually with him are Scarlett Fox, his second in command who generally has a low tolerance for stupidity, and Boomer Badger, a goof who regularly tests Scarlett’s (and sometimes Rick’s) patience.

Naturally, in the course of 50 years, they’ve gotten wet a few times, and over the next couple of days, we’re going to see some of that.

Almost all of these were illustrated by the talented Robby Gilbert who illustrated the stories starring Rick and company from 1999 to 2009.  This first set is actually the first time the stories were presented in comic form in March of 2000. (Again, click the pictures for larger images.)

This next one is actually a rarity, with no Boomer or Scarlett.  In this November 2005 story, Sammy Squirrel and Punky Porcupine join Rick on a little boating trip…

You know, Sammy never did get in the water…

Finally, this two parter has Ollie Otter joining Rick and Scarlett… and almost dying a horrible drowning death for his overconfidence.  I don’t remember the issues, sorry.  If someone remembers, please let me know.

Two things here; one, Ollie, webbed feet and holding your breath for, what, 10 minutes, does not equate to SCUBA gear, you damned fool.

Second, when Ollie and Toby were in trouble there, why didn’t Rick and Scarlett, you know… move in and give them a puff instead of (presumably) floating there watching them struggle?  I suppose events might’ve unfolded pretty fast, but still…

Anyway, stay tuned until tomorrow, when I’ll have the rest of what I have with Ranger Rick shown.